Gardener's Outpost

Last Updated December 01, 2019
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Herbs, flowers, trees and shrubs. cactus and succulents. Organic and sustainable product for your garden and yard.

Gardener’s Outpost stems from the passion and desire of Randall and Carol Isherwood to leave the good earth in better shape than we possess it now. After years of experience in the gardening industry and wanting to provide a healthier earth and environment for the future, they have decided to take this adventure in a small but powerful way, locally. Our small locally and sustainably focused garden center is a family adventure with our two daughters, Brianna and Rebecca, as well as our 4 dogs, 2 cats, bird and fish (We love animals, too!). 

Using natural and organic techniques that create beauty through the symbiotic relationship of nature. Herbs, flowers, trees and shrubs. cactus and succulents - our products come from sources that are organic, sustainable, and local. All of our products may not be all these aspects, but we require first establishing local vendors, that are sustainable and/or organic; none of our plant material contain inorganic pesticides. As always we are Bee friendly. 

Find it

709 Woodrow Street
Columbia , SC 29205
(803) 252-0041
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